Irie Body®: The Name, The Brand

This blog post is dedicated to my creative love-child, my company Irie Body™, and my husband, Anthony, who is my rock. 


Sensitive skin needs + A couple's love for nature + Creativity = The start of a humble skin care brand in California🌊🌴

Anthony and I appreciate being business owners and use Irie Body™ to fill our need to display our creativity and make a living doing what we love to do. 

Our brand was created out of my need for skin care products that contain natural ingredients and my drive to start a company of my own. I have always had sensitive skin care needs that some commercial brands do not offer natural solutions to. Most commercial products that are made for the skin contain a high amount of ingredients that are chemical based and smaller amounts of natural ingredients. Did you know that labels list the ingredients in the order of highest to lowest amount of ingredients? Lets say water is number one on the list of lotion, followed by about 7 other ingredients with Coconut Oil among the last ingredients to be listed. That means you are paying for water mixed with some other stuff, and a little bit of coconut oil. If that's your thing, more power to you, but I needed products that would deliver more of the benefits of natural ingredients. I started formulating products that were gentle enough for daily use and included the most raw form of ingredients I could find. After I found out I had a talent for making my own body scrubs to start with, the rest was history. My husband took a particular liking to making soaps and we continued from there. We wanted to make any skin care product that we would need and it turned out to be so much fun!

Origins Of Our Name 

All credit is given to Anthony for coming up with the name Irie Body. You see, Anthony is of Jamaican heratige and he takes pride in his family's Jamaican culture. One day we were listening to music in our living room thinking of names for our new business. We were making a list with pen and paper trying to jot down any words that came to mind about how we can best represent what we as a couple and a brand stand for.  All of a sudden he said, "what about Irie Body?" He went on to explain that "Irie for happy and because I'm Jamaican and Body for the skin care products we make?" It was a perfect fit! I could not agree with him more in that that was the perfect name to describe our passion for making the world happy one natural skin care product at a time! That was around 2012 when we first thought of the name and it continues to represent us best.

Goals for Irie Body™

Our goals as a couple include building a successful business that allows us to make a living doing what we love to do. We see what life has to offer both near and far and we are doing our best to live life to our full potential. For us, that includes waking up every day and being able to enjoy running a business. 

Our goal as a company is to provide you with excellent quality handcrafted skin care products while also educating others on living an Irie lifestyle. That includes being an informed consumer and encouraging others to live up to their full potential. One tangible goal as a company is to eventually have enough business to operate a sustainable farm where ingredients for the products are grown and the products are produced on site. That would be the ultimate dream! 

I hope that after reading this you know a little more about our company and our style! Remember that Anthony & I truly appreciate your continued support of Irie Body™.  

Stay Irie friends! 



Our logo! 


Hubby & I ❤✌🌟